E-maxx training part - 02
Primality tests
Integer factorization
FACT0 - Integer Factorization (15 digits) Solution
FACT1 - Integer Factorization (20 digits)
FACT2 - Integer Factorization (29 digits)
GCPC 15 - Divisions
Euler's totient function
ETF - Euler Totient Function SOLUTION
UVA #10179 "Irreducible Basic Fractions
UVA #10299 "Relatives"
UVA #11327 "Enumerating Rational Numbers"
1673. Admission to Exam
UVA 10990 - Another New Function
Golu and Sweetness
GYM - Simple Calculations (F)
UVA 13132 - Laser Mirrors
GCDEX - GCD Extreme
UVA 12995 - Farey Sequence
TIP1 - Totient in permutation (easy)
1007 - Mathematically Hard
DCEPCA03 - Totient Extreme
NAJPWG - Playing with GCD
DCEPC12G - G Force
INVPHI - Smallest Inverse Euler Totient Function
D. Power Tower
Number of divisors / sum of divisors
COMDIV - Number of common divisors SOLUTION
DIVSUM - Divisor Summation SOLUTION
DIVSUM2 - Divisor Summation (Hard)
E-maxx training part - 01
Binary Exponentiation
1230 - MODEX Solution
11029 - Leading and Trailing Solution
I. Parking Lot
LASTDIG - The last digit
LOCKER - Magic of the locker
LA - 3722 Jewel-eating Monsters
ZSUM - Just Add It
Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Linear Diophantine Equation
CEQU - Crucial Equation Solution
106. The equation
A. Ebony and Ivory
Get AC in one go
1306 - Solutions to an Equation
Fibonacci Numbers
MAIN74 - Euclids algorithm revisited Solution
FIBOSUM - Fibonacci Sum
Is Fibo Solution
Project Euler #2: Even Fibonacci numbers
Sieve of Eratosthenes
TDPRIMES - Printing some primes --> Solution
HS08PAUL - A conjecture of Paul Erdős
VECTAR8 - Primal Fear
PTRI - primes triangle (I)
A. Almost Prime
B. Sherlock and his girlfriend
NGIRL - Namit In Trouble
DCEPC505 - Bazinga!
Project Euler #134: Prime pair connection
NFACTOR - N-Factorful
BSPRIME - Binary Sequence of Prime Number
UVA 11353 - A Different Kind of Sorting
PRIMES2 - Printing some primes (Hard)
A. Noldbach problem
B. Colliders
Palindromic Squares
একটা সংখ্যার বেস দেওয়া থাকবে, ঐ বেসে ১ থেকে ৩০০ এর মঝে যত প্যালিন্ড্রমিক (সংখ্যাটির বর্গের) নাম্বার আছে সেগুলা প্রিন্ট করতে হবে।Palindromic Squares