Showing posts with label Resource. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resource. Show all posts
E-maxx training part - 04
Minimum stack / Minimum queue
Sparse Table
RMQSQ - Range Minimum Query SOLUTION
THRBL - Catapult that ball
Sereja and D
D. R2D2 and Droid Army
B. Maximum of Maximums of Minimums
TNVFC1M - Miraculous
DCP-19: Multiplication Interval
D. Animals and Puzzle
E. Trains and Statistic
POSTERIN - Postering
RPLN - Negative Score
CITY2 - A Famous City
E. Turn Off The TV
D. Map
E. Awards For Contestants
C. Longest Regular Bracket Sequence
Disjoint Set Union
1671. Anansi's Cobweb
D. Roads not only in Berland
1003. Parity
CHAIN - Strange Food Chain
Fenwick Tree
12086 - Potentiometers
1112 - Curious Robin Hood
1266 - Points in Rectangle
CTRICK - Card Trick
MATSUM - Matrix Summation
DQUERY - D-query
NKTEAM - Team Selection
YODANESS - Yodaness Level
SRM 310 - FloatingMedian
ADABEHIVE - Ada and Behives
Counting In Byteland
DCP-300: Shan and String
E. Little Artem and Time Machine
E. Hanoi Factory
TULIPNUM - Tulip And Numbers
SUMSUM - Enjoy Sum with Operations
SGIFT - Sabbir and gifts
TPGA - The Permutation Game Again
ZIGZAG2 - Zig when you zag
CRAYON - Crayon
DCEPC705 - Weird Points
DCEPC206 - Its a Murder!
KOPC12G - K12-Bored of Suffixes and Prefixes
TRIPINV - Mega Inversions
C. Subsequences
D. Ball
J. The Kamphaeng Phet's Chedis
E. Garlands
E. Inversions After Shuffle
D. Cairo Market
E. Goodbye Souvenir
ADACABAA - Ada and Species
A. Thor
F - Fundraising
Sqrt Decomposition
UVA - 12003 - Array Transformer SOLUTION
UVA - 11990 Dynamic Inversion SOLUTION
C. Till I Collapse
D. Destiny
E. Holes
E. XOR and Favorite Number
D. Powerful array SOLUTION
Segment Tree
Treap (Cartesian tree)
E. Radio stations
D. Dog Show
D. Yet Another Array Queries Problem SOLUTION
Sqrt Tree
Product on the segment by modulo
Editorial: 1 2 3
Deleting from a data structure in O(T(n)logn)
A. Connect and Disconnect
E. Addition on Segments
F. Extending Set of Points SOLUTION
E-maxx training part - 03
Modular Multiplicative Inverse
UVa 11904 - One Unit Machine SOLUTION
Longest Increasing Subsequence Arrays SOLUTION
C. Beautiful Numbers
F. The Sum of the k-th Powers
A. Festival Organization
D. Nephren Runs a Cinema
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Number of Sequences
E. Billiard
Factorial modulo p in O(plogn)
Another Factorial Problem SOLUTION
FACTMODP - Factorial Modulo Prime
CF blog lik
Discrete Root
F. Lunar New Year and a Recursive Sequence SOLUTION
Solving the DLP: Baby Step/Giant Step Algorithm
Discrete Logarithm
MOD - Power Modulo Inverted SOLUTION
89. Gray Code ( leetCode)
Gray Code (Codechef)
249. Matrix (CF)
Submask Enumeration
E. Nuclear Fusion SOLUTION
E. Sandy and Nuts
1439 - Exclusive Access 2
11825 - Hackers' Crackdown
Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic
10183 - How Many Fibs? SOLUTION
10106 - Product SOLUTION
787 - Maximum Sub-sequence Product SOLUTION
MUL - Fast Multiplication
10083 - Division
495 - Fibonacci Freeze
10925 - Krakovia
10814 - Simplifying Fractions
623 - 500!
Project Euler #20: Factorial digit sum
12924 - Immortal Rabbits
IWGBS - 0110SS
D. Notepad
Fast Fourier transform
Bangla blog
Operations on polynomials and series
E-maxx training part - 02
Primality tests
Integer factorization
FACT0 - Integer Factorization (15 digits) Solution
FACT1 - Integer Factorization (20 digits)
FACT2 - Integer Factorization (29 digits)
GCPC 15 - Divisions
Euler's totient function
ETF - Euler Totient Function SOLUTION
UVA #10179 "Irreducible Basic Fractions
UVA #10299 "Relatives"
UVA #11327 "Enumerating Rational Numbers"
1673. Admission to Exam
UVA 10990 - Another New Function
Golu and Sweetness
GYM - Simple Calculations (F)
UVA 13132 - Laser Mirrors
GCDEX - GCD Extreme
UVA 12995 - Farey Sequence
TIP1 - Totient in permutation (easy)
1007 - Mathematically Hard
DCEPCA03 - Totient Extreme
NAJPWG - Playing with GCD
DCEPC12G - G Force
INVPHI - Smallest Inverse Euler Totient Function
D. Power Tower
Number of divisors / sum of divisors
COMDIV - Number of common divisors SOLUTION
DIVSUM - Divisor Summation SOLUTION
DIVSUM2 - Divisor Summation (Hard)
E-maxx training part - 01
Binary Exponentiation
1230 - MODEX Solution
11029 - Leading and Trailing Solution
I. Parking Lot
LASTDIG - The last digit
LOCKER - Magic of the locker
LA - 3722 Jewel-eating Monsters
ZSUM - Just Add It
Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Linear Diophantine Equation
CEQU - Crucial Equation Solution
106. The equation
A. Ebony and Ivory
Get AC in one go
1306 - Solutions to an Equation
Fibonacci Numbers
MAIN74 - Euclids algorithm revisited Solution
FIBOSUM - Fibonacci Sum
Is Fibo Solution
Project Euler #2: Even Fibonacci numbers
Sieve of Eratosthenes
TDPRIMES - Printing some primes --> Solution
HS08PAUL - A conjecture of Paul Erdős
VECTAR8 - Primal Fear
PTRI - primes triangle (I)
A. Almost Prime
B. Sherlock and his girlfriend
NGIRL - Namit In Trouble
DCEPC505 - Bazinga!
Project Euler #134: Prime pair connection
NFACTOR - N-Factorful
BSPRIME - Binary Sequence of Prime Number
UVA 11353 - A Different Kind of Sorting
PRIMES2 - Printing some primes (Hard)
A. Noldbach problem
B. Colliders