Number of single cycle components in an undirected graph (CF-977E)
E. Cyclic Components
হিন্টঃ প্রতিটি কম্পোনেন্ট এ চেক করবো তাদের প্রত্যেকটি নোডের ডিগ্রি দুই কিনা, যদি দুই হয় তাইলে সেটা একটা সিঙ্গেল সাইকেল কম্পোনেন্ট।
E-maxx training part - 03
Modular Multiplicative Inverse
UVa 11904 - One Unit Machine SOLUTION
Longest Increasing Subsequence Arrays SOLUTION
C. Beautiful Numbers
F. The Sum of the k-th Powers
A. Festival Organization
D. Nephren Runs a Cinema
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Number of Sequences
E. Billiard
Factorial modulo p in O(plogn)
Another Factorial Problem SOLUTION
FACTMODP - Factorial Modulo Prime
CF blog lik
Discrete Root
F. Lunar New Year and a Recursive Sequence SOLUTION
Solving the DLP: Baby Step/Giant Step Algorithm
Discrete Logarithm
MOD - Power Modulo Inverted SOLUTION
89. Gray Code ( leetCode)
Gray Code (Codechef)
249. Matrix (CF)
Submask Enumeration
E. Nuclear Fusion SOLUTION
E. Sandy and Nuts
1439 - Exclusive Access 2
11825 - Hackers' Crackdown
Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic
10183 - How Many Fibs? SOLUTION
10106 - Product SOLUTION
787 - Maximum Sub-sequence Product SOLUTION
MUL - Fast Multiplication
10083 - Division
495 - Fibonacci Freeze
10925 - Krakovia
10814 - Simplifying Fractions
623 - 500!
Project Euler #20: Factorial digit sum
12924 - Immortal Rabbits
IWGBS - 0110SS
D. Notepad
Fast Fourier transform
Bangla blog
Operations on polynomials and series